We’ve got a nice varieiy of gigs, tours, workshops and projects coming up, including Scotland, Sheffield, Hull, London, Oxford, France and more!
We’re involved with a Primary school working on a French Festival where we’ll deliver workshops across the whole school, and we’re touring to Scotland and playing a festival in Brittany, France. Plus we love playing for people celebrating birthdays; we’ve got a few of those, and two weddings we’re playing at.
Here are our concerts:
Sat Feb 10: Mini Malarkey Festival, Hull
Tues Feb 13, Wed 14 : Cleethoorpes Winter Warmer, Grimsby Birdhouse Theatre
Thurs Feb 15, Fri 16: Sheffield Winter Gardens with Sheffield Family Hubs
Wed Feb 28: Music & Babies for University of Leeds with Concerteenies in Sheffield
Thurs Feb 29: Cafe #9, Sheffield – SOLD OUT
Sat March 2: Clapham Village Hall, Lancaster
Sun March 3: Loch Arthur Cresset Hall, Scotland
Sat March 9: Whitgift, Goole
Sat March 22: Festival St Patrick, France
Sat April 6: Wedding
Sat April 13: King William, Milford, Belper
Sat April 20: Winterton Church
Sun April 21: ‘Concerteenies: Hat’s Off’ The Greystones Sheffield
Thurs April 25: Joe’s Bar, Oxford
Fri April 26: Jamboree, London
Sun April 28: Morden Arms w Joe Martin, London
Fri May 3: Jazzy Night at Star & Garter, Leamington Spa
Fri May 10: Phoenix Theatre, Bawtry
Sun May 12: The Bell, Bath
Photo Credit: Mambo Jambo at Mini Malarkey by Kevin Ladden Photography