This podcast was first broadcast on West Hull FM, a community radio station.
Give it a listen! This is our first podcast, we really enjoyed getting it together! It came about as the result of receiving a communty grant scheme from Hull Maritime. We had a great time in Ron Dearing UTC college, where we played our song ‘Cumbia In The Moonlight’ to them, talked a bit about our careers as muscians, then we got going on an interview session where the students discussed themes associated with Hull’s maritime heritage, including Dead Bod, The Three Ships, the fishing community (find out more by giving it a listen!). We also interviewed John Moran, who works on the Humber estuary as a Humber Pilot launch coxwain, and lastly we talked to Rupert Creed, (Rupert’s website) a playwright (and author) who’s collected stories from people involved in the fishing communtiy and has written, produced and directed plays, including the very powerful “Turning The Tide”. The soundtrack to the podcast is our song, “Cumbia In The Moonlight” from our lastest album, “Groove Fruit” (see our Recordings page to find out more)
West Hull FM’s website
Hull Maritime’s website
Link to Rupert’s “Turning The Tide” Documentary on the BBC
Thanks to Chris Berry & the students at Ron Dearing (Juliet, Jim, Amelia, Molly & Jacob), Rupert Creed, John Moran, Andy Pea, West Hull FM & Hull Maritime